Venom’s Production Just Got Delayed Another Month
Venom’s Production Just Got Delayed Another Month 
The movie has slowly been coming together ever since it was announced that Hardy would star and Ruben Fleischer would direct. Most recently, Riz Ahmed was linked to a role (potentially Carnage) as the film geared up for an early September start to production. However, filming was then delayed to later this month, but now has been pushed once more.
Related: Who Is Riz Ahmed Playing In Venom?
Omega Underground has now discovered that Venom won’t start shooting until October 23rd. This would give the crew almost two additional months to find specific locations within Atlanta and New York, while also giving Sony more time to put the cast together. But, the location scouting has now apparently expanded to include San Francisco according to a recent Reddit post.There have been reports that Sony is going to use these spinoffs as a way to make smaller superhero films, which could decrease the typical shooting schedule for any other superhero movie. Sony also seems like it is going to take a page from Fox’s approach and diversify the genre of these films, with Venom pegged as a horror/sci-fi film that is inspired by John Carpenter and David Cronenberg.
Whether or not those influences stick with the film should become known once production is underway. In the meantime, Sony will finalize a cast that also reportedly includes She-Venom. Clearly this film will not be short on hosts for the symbiotes to latch onto, whenever it does start filming.
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